For Men Feeling Lost, Overwhelmed, and Unfulfilled: Break Free from Mediocrity...

Join a Brotherhood That Empowers You to Amplify Your Confidence, Lead with Purpose, and Achieve Your Goals.

Unlock a Life of Purpose with Group Coaching That Goes Beyond Fitness, Offering Tools for Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Growth.

Tyler Morgan

Type II Diabetic

"There are a lot of gimmicks out there. This is not one of them. This is raw, this is real, these are passionate people who say what they mean and mean what they say. There is no doubt about that. So give it a go. It will be worth every second, every dime, every penny, every rep. It will be worth your go."

Producers, Have You Ever Felt This Way?

  • Facing problems writing memorable melodies & unique chord progressions

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  • ​Staying up late at night struggling with "writer's block"

  • ​Sick and tired of making music that lacks emotion and feeling your audience can relate to?

  • ​Don't have the time to spend learning music theory?

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Are you pouring from an empty cup?

Stop putting yourself last and start leading by example. At Iron Forge, we help men like you reclaim the confidence and respect you deserve.

My name is Josh Holyfield, and my goal is simple:

To help you break free from the cycle of failed attempts, broken promises, and the frustration of feeling unfulfilled.

I've walked the tough path myself, overcoming mental health struggles and finding purpose and strength through personal growth.

Iron Forge isn't just about physical improvement; it's about building a community of men ready to support each other in their journey towards confidence and leadership.

Let me guide you to rediscover your best self.

Unlock Your Full Potential with Iron Forge Group Coaching

Iron Forge Group Coaching is designed with one goal in mind: to transform you into the strongest version of yourself—mentally, and emotionally.

This comprehensive program is your roadmap to reclaiming your confidence, mastering your life, and stepping into the leadership role you were born to fulfill in your family and professional life.

Experience a life-changing transformation that goes beyond the surface. With Iron Forge Group Coaching, you'll:

  • Reignite Your Vitality: Say goodbye to constant exhaustion. With our tailored fitness and nutrition plans, you'll have the energy to excel in every aspect of your life.

  • Restore Your Confidence: Transform your body and mind to reflect the man you truly are — strong, capable, and confident.

  • Revitalize Your Relationships: Rekindle your intimate connections, feel appreciated, and lead your family with strength and love.

  • Achieve Unbreakable Mental Resilience: Develop a mindset that turns challenges into victories, ensuring you're always advancing towards your goals.

Iron Forge Group Coaching isn't just a fitness program; it's a transformational journey tailored to men who demand more from life.

By blending rigorous mental training with strategic guidance and mindset reshaping, we offer a holistic approach to self-improvement.

This program is your chance to join a brotherhood committed to excellence, where you'll receive the tools, support, and accountability needed to manifest your ultimate potential.

Get ready to lead by example and be the hero of your own story.

What People Are Saying About The Iron Forge Group Coaching

These Are Real Men & Real Results - Not Skinny Guys Getting Even Skinnier For The Camera

Art Perez

Member Since Dec 2019

"I thought fitness was out of my range, and it was too late... Working with Josh has brought me out of my comfort zone, pushing me to do something more than I thought I could do for myself"

Brian Sites

Member Since Dec 2019

"I went from 350 pounds down to 280 pounds. I've done the program twice - I would highly recommend this program."

Shawn Day

Member Since Jan 2019

"I've been using Josh's four and twelve-week programs and have smashed my fitness goals... Whether you're a beginner or veteran in fitness you'll find success with his programs."

Unlock the Vault to Your Transformation: Here's What You Gain Access To

  • Access to 15+ Workout Plans: A comprehensive repository of workout plans tailored to different goals and fitness levels.

  • Custom Nutrition Plans: Access to custom nutrition plans designed to complement your fitness routine.

  • Weekly Group Coaching Calls: Participate in 4-5 hours of group coaching calls with Josh each week.

  • Community Access: Engage with a network of high-achieving men in our private community.

  • Mobile Progress Tracking: Use our state-of-the-art mobile app to monitor your progress and stay motivated.

  • Comprehensive Resources: Access a wealth of tools and resources on our private website.

  • Private Communication Channel: Stay engaged with our members-only Marco Polo channel for continuous support and interaction.

Here's How The Iron Forge Group Coaching Works:

Step 1: Unlock Your Transformation

Kickstart your journey to becoming the best version of yourself by enrolling in the Iron Forge Group Coaching. This is your first step towards reclaiming your strength, confidence, and vitality.

Step 2: Personalize Your Pathway

Access the exclusive members' area and tailor your transformation.

Choose a workout program that resonates with your goals, and download a meal plan crafted to fit your nutritional needs.

Each plan is a roadmap to success, with detailed daily exercises, video tutorials in our app for easy tracking, and a meal guide complete with recipes and shopping lists to nourish your body and fuel your workouts.

Step 3: Engage and Evolve

Immerse yourself in our community with weekly coaching calls.

Every Thursday night, zoom in to get direct support from our expert coaching staff, absorb mindset strategies that forge mental toughness, and have your burning questions answered.

It's not just a call; it's your weekly dose of inspiration and accountability.

Step 4: Manifest Your Mastery

Follow the steps, embrace the process, and witness the transformation.

Achieve the peak physical and mental condition you've aspired to.

This is where you become the embodiment of strength and resilience that inspires those around you.

Also When You Start Your Free 7 Day Trial, I'll Throw Five BONUSES Worth Over $150!

Bonus #1 ($37 Value)

Bodybuilder's Cookbook

With 48 easy-to-use and healthy recipes that will get you started with planning and preparing your healthy meals.

Bonus #2 ($27 Value)

Restaurant Hacks Guide

With 60-pages of healthy food options from your favorite restaurants. So you can eat healthy on the go.

Bonus #3 ($27 Value)

5 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Testosterone

So you can burn the fat, build muscle, and feel like a 25yr old man again

Bonus #4 ($27 Value)

Beginner's Guide To Macro Nutrients & Diet

So you can learn to fuel your body for performance, optimize your energy levels, predictably lose fat, and build muscle in a sustainable way.

Bonus #4 ($37 Value)

Six-Week Ab Inferno Routine

An optional 6-week protocol that you can use to supplement your training to help you build a solid core, melt belly fat, and take you one step closer to earning your six-pack abs.

Here's What I'll Give You Today!

  • Access To The Iron Forge Group Coaching $24.99 /mo ($199 /mo Value)

  • Starter Meal Plan with Easy to Prepare Recipes ($27 Value)

  • ​Bonus #1: Bodybuilder's Cookbook ($37 Value)

  • ​Bonus #2: Restaurant Hacks Guide ($27 Value)

  • Bonus #3: 5 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Testosterone ($27 Value)

  • ​Bonus #4: Beginner's Guide To Macro Nutrients & Diet ($27 Value)

  • ​Bonus #5: Six-Week Ab Inferno Routine ($37 Value)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Legit? Or Another Scam?
One of my biggest struggles since starting that project was creating a place where my customers were confident that I was who I actually say I am. So, rather than wasting our time trying to convince you, I invite you to check out my Facebook Page Reviews.

Or Join My Goal Getter Brotherhood Facebook Group and ask the members yourself. There are thousands of men and women just like you who started with uncertainty, now they're achieving goals they never dreamed of, through my programming and community. 

Can I Do This Even If I'm New To The Gym? 
Since starting this project, I started with one thought in mind: to have as much as an impact on men and women looking to make a change with their health and fitness as possible. I have and always will make supporting my members the #1 Priority. Which means that I provide daily content on training, host a YouTube Channel full of exercise and nutrition guides.

I even live stream a weekly podcast to answer questions directly from my followers. Every message is responded to by me personally. My success relies on your success - which means that you'll get the help and support you need - regardless of experience level. 

How Are The Programs Delivered?
This is a digital program and once you've made a successful payment, your program is delivered to your registered email address instantly. Which means you can get started as early as today. The programs are yours forever. You'll also be invited to my custom mobile app where you can track your program and progress as well as take advantage of thousands of exercise guide videos to make sure you're never unprepared.

Will This Get Me The Results I Want?
With my programming, I give all of the tools and resources that you need to be 100% successful in achieving your fitness goals. These are the same tried and true methods that have worked for me, as well as thousands of my clients. However, I cannot give you a results guarantee - the progress and results you see from my programs are based on the effort you put forth - you are the only thing holding you back from achieving insane gains and results. 

Here's What More People Are Saying...


My number one priority is making sure you're able to achieve the absolute best results you can while using my programs. I'll always be here to answer questions, modify exercises and work with you to get through the program. None of my programs come with the discipline you need, but I'll be there every step of the way to hold you accountable and provide you with the guidance and motivation you need to succeed.

If you don't like the program for any reason, just send me an email and I'll happily refund your money with zero questions asked.

Joining The Brotherhood is about more than just starting a workout program, you're joining a community of like-minded men who have one thing in common.

A relentless focus and drive to achieve nothing less than greatness.

Copyright: The Iron Forge 2023 - All Rights Reserved